Thursday, March 29, 2012


I commented on the endings of David's Haitian Doll House, Murray's Mansion Doll House, and Bailey's Missing Doll House.

Alternate Ending

(After Dr. Rank leaves the hall out the door)

Nora: " I have realize that I have been treated like a dull by you Torvald and my dear father!"

Torvald: " My Nora you have no idea what you are saying."(drinking more)

Nora:( getting furious) "I am not your Nora anymore...I am leaving to go somewhere I feel respected!!!"

Torvald:( with a smirk) "Ah.. Clearly you have gone out of your mind. I am your husband and I demand you to go to bed. All these years working for little Nora to say these unperturbed statements!!!"

(Nora walking out the hall and opening the front door and suppressing it.)

Nora: " Torvald I am leaving you for good and for the children I will come for them tomorrow."

Torvald:" OOHHHH...No you won't if you take a step out of here you will never see them again.(Still shaky of the drinks of the party, goes after her) Listen NORA no matter where you go you still be an incompetent women who works good in bed!!!"

Nora:(Giving a slap to Torvald) "This is why I am leaving. Christiane is waiting for me at her hotel. Good-bye hope you find someone to tolerate your hypocrisy.

Torvald: ( Taking the whole bottle of liquor from the table and drinking it) " Find go you dog and let me tell you, your blundered actions will cause you not to come back and never see the children."

Nora:(Leaving out the house with tears and looks at Igor who has been listening to everything) "Bye."

Torvald: (going to his office) " Remember this, if you can't be for me... you won't be for no one else..."

(Dr.Rank walking up the steps, forgot his keys)

Dr. Rank:" Nora hello again I have forgotten my keys at your house, may I get them. What's wrong?"

Nora: " Oh Dr.Rank Torvald has gone mad please take me away from him. (kissing him) Help me get away from him!"

Torvald: (seeing them kiss and realizing his friend's betrayal) "It's... (sadly) It's all clear to me now, you both liars you both snakes!!!(almost losing his balance) Both of you worthless!!!"

Dr. Rank:" Torvald this is not what it looks like.."

Torvald: " But of course it's what it looks like you hypocrite!!!" (grabbing Nora with sadness)

Nora:"Tor Tor Torvald please let me go and leave!!!"

Torvald: " As I said, if you can't be for me you won't be for no one!!!" (crying in tears)

Dr. Rank:" Torvald put it down there is no need for that!!!"

Torvald: (with the gun) "Shut up Shut up... both of you will be sorry for crossing paths!!!"

Nora: "NO Torvald!!!!!!"

Dr. Rank: " Torvald!!!"

(BAM BAM!!!!!)

Tuesday, March 27, 2012


I commented on The Doll House, Geronimos Dolls House, Waavvy Doll House, and A Doll House On Grape Street

ACT 2 Blog

    In the Dull House act two the characters have completely change to another human being. Nora flirted with Dr. Rank and showed him her stockings. This completely changed my thoughts on Nora. I thought she would be a women who would not cheat on her husband with showing her body to someone else. On the other hand I did had a clue that Dr. Rank loved Nora with the bottom of his heart and is at her service for anything.
    Krogstad and Mrs. Linde were together in the past and loved each other immensely. She left him for money because she need to help out her family with financial problems. Krogstad is still in love with her and is willing to be together once more. Helmer is still blind from his surrounding that he does not have a clue that his companions love his wife. The characters in the Dull House make this story very interesting and there might be a surprising ending.

Monday, March 26, 2012


"Twenty-four and seven... thirty one hours to line." pg.206

"There's just one thing I want to say, you shall be my witness." pg. 201

"Well, at any route you know that I'm at your service body and soul." pg.195

Monday, March 19, 2012

To Miss Santos

I posted comments on David's Haitian Dollhouse, Damn this Dollhouse, DULLDollhouse, and Sam's Doll House.

Doll House

John Campos

Miss Santos

    The characters so far in the Doll House are the following, Nora, Torvald, Krogstad, Mrs.Linde, and Dr. Rank. Torvald and Nora are husband and wife who have a really interesting relationship. Torvald is the brains of the marriage, he treats Nora very frivolous. Nora's part in the relationship is to just look ravishing for Torvald. He is a very successful man, Torvald will have an advancement in his job the next year as a manager at a bank.
    Krogstad is a co-worker who works at the bank and is anxious to keep his job there. He is a disreputable man because he forged a signature in which Torvald is very furious. Torvald since then fins Krogstad a corrupt man in and out of the bank. Mrs. Lindeis a old friend of Nora wanting a job from Torvald. She finds it incredulously of the fact that Nora has a easy life. Lastly, Dr. Rank is good friend of the Helmer Family and checks on Torvald's conditions. He has a illness with his spine that makes his job harder.

Sunday, March 18, 2012

Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Henrik Ibsen

-John Campos
-Henrik Ibsen


          Henrik Johan Ibsen was born on March 20, 1828 and in Skien, Norway. Ibsen is the son of Marichen and Knud Ibsen, a merchant. Henrik lived to 1828 through 1906. The Norwegian dramatist wrote the contemporary drama, "A Doll's House." The novel was published in the year of 1879. People agree that he might be the second most popular studied and produced playwrights ever.

          While living in Germany, in 1858 Henrik married Suzannah Thoreson. In his marriage, he and his wife had a son. As in a Doll's House the theme of suicide once again recurs in his other works such as Hedda Gabler. It has been said that Henrik Ibsen might have been suffering from depression or even try to attempt suicide. Henrik Ibsen died peacefully on May 23, 1906 where he lies buried in Oslo, Norway.