Thursday, March 29, 2012

Alternate Ending

(After Dr. Rank leaves the hall out the door)

Nora: " I have realize that I have been treated like a dull by you Torvald and my dear father!"

Torvald: " My Nora you have no idea what you are saying."(drinking more)

Nora:( getting furious) "I am not your Nora anymore...I am leaving to go somewhere I feel respected!!!"

Torvald:( with a smirk) "Ah.. Clearly you have gone out of your mind. I am your husband and I demand you to go to bed. All these years working for little Nora to say these unperturbed statements!!!"

(Nora walking out the hall and opening the front door and suppressing it.)

Nora: " Torvald I am leaving you for good and for the children I will come for them tomorrow."

Torvald:" OOHHHH...No you won't if you take a step out of here you will never see them again.(Still shaky of the drinks of the party, goes after her) Listen NORA no matter where you go you still be an incompetent women who works good in bed!!!"

Nora:(Giving a slap to Torvald) "This is why I am leaving. Christiane is waiting for me at her hotel. Good-bye hope you find someone to tolerate your hypocrisy.

Torvald: ( Taking the whole bottle of liquor from the table and drinking it) " Find go you dog and let me tell you, your blundered actions will cause you not to come back and never see the children."

Nora:(Leaving out the house with tears and looks at Igor who has been listening to everything) "Bye."

Torvald: (going to his office) " Remember this, if you can't be for me... you won't be for no one else..."

(Dr.Rank walking up the steps, forgot his keys)

Dr. Rank:" Nora hello again I have forgotten my keys at your house, may I get them. What's wrong?"

Nora: " Oh Dr.Rank Torvald has gone mad please take me away from him. (kissing him) Help me get away from him!"

Torvald: (seeing them kiss and realizing his friend's betrayal) "It's... (sadly) It's all clear to me now, you both liars you both snakes!!!(almost losing his balance) Both of you worthless!!!"

Dr. Rank:" Torvald this is not what it looks like.."

Torvald: " But of course it's what it looks like you hypocrite!!!" (grabbing Nora with sadness)

Nora:"Tor Tor Torvald please let me go and leave!!!"

Torvald: " As I said, if you can't be for me you won't be for no one!!!" (crying in tears)

Dr. Rank:" Torvald put it down there is no need for that!!!"

Torvald: (with the gun) "Shut up Shut up... both of you will be sorry for crossing paths!!!"

Nora: "NO Torvald!!!!!!"

Dr. Rank: " Torvald!!!"

(BAM BAM!!!!!)

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